Interesting Article Feb. 28

This week's article is about the cyber group Anonymous backing union worker protesters in Wisconsin. The media has twisted the story, like they always do, and never focuses on the real issue. Until this article, I didn't know how invested Koch Industries were in the matter. They are doing whatever they can to make sure this bill passes so they can control Wisconsin's power plants without a public bid and buy it for any price. This is another example of corporations taking away our freedom, but with groups such as Anonymous and resources such as Wikileaks, the people can fight back and take our freedom back.

Anonymous Joins Wisconsin Protesters

Plus, here is a visualization of the connection between Koch Industries and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker? Anyone smell some corruption? Corporations shouldn't be tied in with our government. It's sad that the majority of American citizens have no idea what's going on with our government. Research people, don't just listen to the talking heads on television.

Some Important Photography Class Notes
1/125, 1/60, twice as much light, 1/30, twice as much light. Corresponding relation with apertures. 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, bigger the number, more light.

Interesting Articles Feb 21.

Citizens of the Middle East are tired of dealing with tyrants and bullshit oppressiveness and are finally standing up. This week, Libya
The Uprising in the Middle East

On a lighter note, here's my review of the best new fighting game I've played in a long time.
 Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Review

Self Portrait Symmetry

The middle one is normal, the outside ones are just weird.

Interesting Articles

Philip Anselmo, the lead vocalist for Pantera and Down, did an interview with Ultimate-Guitar talking about his current projects and the impact Pantera left on the music biz.

Phil Anselmo Interview

The NFL players and owners are trying to prevent a lockout from happening next season but Carolina Panthers owner Jerry Richardson isn't making things better.
Richardson's Comments towards Peyton Manning

My Alphabet Photographs

It was quite a scavenger hunt to find them all, who would have thought it would be so hard to find an "R"?